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Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen|Alle Packages|Konstantenfeldwerte|Serialisierte Form


addButton(String, Runnable) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a button to the form.
addButton(String, String, Runnable) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a button to the form.
addButton(String, String, ButtonClickListener) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a button to the form.
addButton(String, String, ButtonClickListener, Color) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a button to the form.
addButton(String, String, ButtonClickListener, Color, Color) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a button to the form.
addButton(String, ButtonClickListener) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a button to the form.
addButton(String, ButtonClickListener, Color) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a button to the form.
addButton(String, ButtonClickListener, Color, Color) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a button to the form.
addCheckbox(String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds true/false option as checkbox to the form.
addCheckbox(String, boolean) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds true/false option as checkbox to the form.
addCheckbox(String, String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds true/false option as checkbox to the form.
addCheckbox(String, String, boolean) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds true/false option as checkbox to the form.
addColorPicker(String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a color picker to the form.
addColorPicker(String, Color) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a color picker to the form.
addCustomElement(FormElement<T>) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds the given self implemented FormElement to the form.
addDatePicker(String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a date picker to the form.
addElement(ListElement) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.formelements.ListFormElement
addFontChooser(String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a font chooser to the form.
addFontChooser(String, Font) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a font chooser to the form.
addHtmlText(String, String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a html interpreted text to the form.
addHtmlText(String, String, int, int) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a html interpreted text to the form.
addImage(String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds an image to the form.
addImage(String, String, boolean) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds an image to the form.
addImageCentered(String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds an image centered to the form.
addLabel(String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds just a label to the form.
addList(String, ListElement...) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a list with more complex elements to the form.
addMenu(String, Runnable) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.components.TrayMenu
addMultipleSelection(String, boolean, String...) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a scrollable and searchable list of elements to the form, which allows to choose multiple elements.
addMultipleSelection(String, boolean, List<String>) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a scrollable and searchable list of elements to the form, which allows to choose multiple elements.
addMultipleSelection(String, String...) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a scrollable and searchable list of elements to the form, which allows to choose multiple elements.
addMultipleSelection(String, List<String>) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a scrollable and searchable list of elements to the form, which allows to choose multiple elements.
addProgress(String, int, int, int) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a progress bar to the form.
addRow(String[]) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.formelements.TableFormElement
addSelection(String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.formelements.SelectionFormElement
addSelection(String, String...) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a selection list to the form, which allows to choose one option.
addSelection(String, List<String>) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a selection list to the form, which allows to choose one option.
addSelectionWithCheckboxes(String, String...) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a selection with checkboxes to the form, which allows to choose multiple options.
addSelectionWithCheckboxes(String, List<String>) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a selection with checkboxes to the form, which allows to choose multiple options.
addSelectionWithCheckboxes(String, List<String>, List<String>) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a selection with checkboxes to the form, which allows to choose multiple options.
addSlider(String, int, int, int, int, int) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds a slider to the form, which allows to choose a value in between some bounds.
addTable(String, List<String>, String[][]) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds an editable table with custom data to the form.
addTable(String, List<String>, String[][], boolean) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds table with custom data to the form.
addText(String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds an input text field to the form.
addText(String, String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds an input text field to the form with an initial text.
addText(String, String, boolean) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds an input text field to the form with an initial text.
addTextArea(String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds an input text area with 3 lines to the form.
addTextArea(String, int) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds an input text area with specified number of lines to the form.
addTextArea(String, int, String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds an input text area with specified number of lines to the form and an initial text.
addTextArea(String, int, String, boolean) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds an input text area with specified number of lines to the form and an initial text.
addTextArea(String, String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Adds an input text area with 3 lines to the form and an initial text.
addToLargeMessage(String) - Methode in Klasse uibooster.components.WaitingDialog
andWindow() - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormBuilder
Allows to define some settings for the created window of the form.
applyWindowIcon(String, Window) - Statische Methode in Klasse uibooster.utils.WindowIconHelper
asColor() - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormElement
asColorHex() - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormElement
asDate() - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormElement
asDateFormatted() - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormElement
asFloat() - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormElement
asInt() - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormElement
asString() - Methode in Klasse uibooster.model.FormElement
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Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen|Alle Packages|Konstantenfeldwerte|Serialisierte Form